Talking with Ty
with Ty Franck
Q&A with John Jos. Miller
by Ty Franck
Q. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your experience with Wild Cards.
A. I was one of the original game players way back when, when Wild Cards was simply a role playing game run by George, so I guess you can say I’ve been in it from the beginning. I don’t know if I’ve written more stories than anyone for the series, but I’ve certainly written more words if you count the 100,000 or so I did for the Steve Jackson role playing game and the 200,000 or so I’m currently doing for the Green Ronin role playing game. It’s a great universe to come back to and play in because it’s always growing and changing. I hope I’ll be playing in it for many years to come.
Q. Tell us about the inspiration behind your story for Inside Straight.
A. This is a little difficult to answer specifically without giving away too much of the story itself. Suffice it to say that I enjoy surprising the readers, and I think this story will really surprise them with the fate of John Fortune. And the next story will surprise them even more.